Friday, August 6, 2010

Gadgets // Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse

Microsoft has partially lifted the veil of its mysterious new hardware device. According to reports, the device is none other than the Arc Touch Mouse, the result of Microsoft’s “Mouse 2.0” program which has been in development for a couple of years.

Going head to head with the recently released Apple’s Magic Trackpad, Microsoft has yet to provide full details of the Arc Touch Mouse or even confirm it – but a recent check on the web reveals that a domain name for was bought by the Company officials back in March; so this one should be legit.

What we do know, so far, the device will have some touch ability. Though at this point, it is not expected to support multi-touch. The device is apparently intended to be a cheaper alternative to the more expensive touch displays for use on Windows 7.

According to a leaked online pricing, the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse will be priced in line with Apple’s Magic Trackpad – at around $70. If the rumors are true, the device will launch in September.

We do hope there’s more to the device than just its touch ability, otherwise it’d just end up as some over-glorified yet under-powered graphics tablet.

Info courtesy of

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